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PTO Membership



2019 – 2020 Membership Form 

We would like to thank all the families at Liberty Pines for their continued support of the PTO! LPA greatly benefits from a strong parent/teacher and PTO connection in our school. We would like to encourage parent and teacher participation in LPA PTO events. Get Connected, Volunteer, Be a Role Model and help LPA! Just fill out a membership form and return it to your child’s teacher. Thanks for supporting our school!

Did You Know? The LPA PTO is able to fund many things through your generous donations and PTO fundraisers. Some examples of items that have been purchased by PTO are: Books for the Media Center, Technology for classrooms and computer labs, Instructional resources and Professional Development.

Volunteering! The LPA PTO is involved in many areas throughout the school. Whether you have a lot of time or just a little there is always something you can do to help. We would love to talk to you about how and where you can help out. Ask us about Sign Up Genius, send us your contact info with the form above.